Tuesday 7 April 2020

Remote HAZOP & LOPA Workshops

Hope you and your families are keeping safe and following the safety guidelines. During these tough times of COVID-19, face-to-face meetings have become a major challenge. To avoid any project delays and missed deadlines, many of my clients have asked me to host HAZOP and LOPA workshops via video conferencing while working from home.

I thought it would be helpful to share some tips for remote facilitation based on my experiences:

  • Preparation: This is always an important step during a HAZOP & LOPA workshop. However, during a remote session, preparation plays a pivotal role in the success of the session. The facilitator should have received and understood the documents (including process description, PFDs, P&IDs, Interlock Summary, operating limits, etc.) before a session begins. 
  • Pre-Workshop Session: Post receipt of data, it is imperative to have a pre-workshop session to finalise on the scope, methodology & worksheet format, guide words for the workshop, risk matrix, node mark-up and pre-concessions (rules to be followed) for the session. The facilitator should issue terms of reference as finalised during the pre-workshop session.
  • Workshop: During the workshop, some basic points shall be kept in mind:
    • Video: Try to be on video as much as possible to ensure people can speak their mind and the facilitator can receive their responses (verbal as well as non-verbal). Of course, in case of failure to connect to video, it is possible to use audio.
    • Screen-sharing: Facilitator should share the screen so that the worksheet is visible to all participants and necessary changes can be discussed in the records.
    • Multiple Screen: It is always advisable for the facilitator (at least) that he has multiple screens to open a copy of P&ID and other documents. If you have hard copies of the drawings and other details, they can be used in place of multiple screens as well.
    • Regular Breaks: Keep in mind that this is not a regular face to face session and it is difficult to gauge a drop in energy levels in the team.  So regular, short breaks can result in a much more focused and sharper session, at least that has been my personal experience.
    • Ergonomic Working Posture: An ergonomic working posture is important not only for the facilitator but also for team members. If you do not have an office desk and a comfortable chair, make use of what is available to ensure ergonomic posture and comfort. I, personally, have used my shoe rack as a standing workstation at times when my wife & I both had meetings at the same time and she is using our work desk.
There is no doubt in saying that you will face challenges but what is important is that you embrace the challenge and use this time of lock-down on pending workshops.

" Let your challenges mold you, not fold you."

If you need further advice or you would like me to facilitate a session with you, you can email me on himanshuchichra@gmail.com


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    1. Thanks for your kind words. Hope you will keep reading and sharing with your friends and colleagues.

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